Determination of residency for purposes of tuition will be made according to the following definitions:

  • 县内(4个县服务区). 为了支付学费, in-county rates apply to South Carolina residents in our 4-county service areas of Clarendon county, Kershaw县, 李县和萨姆特县
  • Out-of-county (outside the 4-county service area)
  • 州外
  • 外国


Regulations regarding the establishment of legal residency in South Carolina for tuition and fee purposes at South Carolina institutions of higher education are governed by the South Carolina Code of Laws, 第59-112-10至59-112-100条. 住院医生实习期 classification is an essential part of fee determination, admission regulations and other relevant policies of 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院. The initial determination of residency is made at the time an admissions application is submitted. That determination and any determination made at a later time prevail for each subsequent semester until a petition of South Carolina residency is found to be valid.

For more information about residency requirements and decisions, contact:



An applicant/student applying for a change of residency from out-of-state to in-state or in-state to in-county must complete a Petition for Change 住院医生实习期 Request Form (available below or in the 表单库) and provide supporting documentation to the 住院医生实习期 Official prior to or on the first day of classes of the semester for which change of residency is requested. Documents received after that date will be reviewed for the following semester.

*Note: establishing residency at a university or college other than 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 does not guarantee the same residency status at 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院.

The burden of proof to provide the required evidence to document the change in residency status resides with the applicant/student who is applying for a change of residency.


Persons in the following categories may qualify to pay in-state without having to establish a permanent home in the state for 12 months. Persons who qualify under any of these categories must meet the conditions of the specific category on or before the first day of classes of the semester for which payment of in-state tuition and fees is requested:

  • 军事人员及其家属
  • 教师 and administrative employees and their dependents
  • Residents and full-time employment and their dependents retired persons
  • 终末休假人士
  • 符合条件的退伍军人和保险个人
  • United States citizen students who are dependent on an undocumented parent or guardian


任何学生, following the decision on his/her resident classification, may appeal the decision to the Vice President of Student Affairs. 副总统, 然而, is bound by the same laws and regulations as the 住院医生实习期 Official, so its purpose is only to review the facts and details of any case and to evaluate the correctness of the decision made by the college’s 住院医生实习期 Official.

Students wishing to appeal a residency decision must provide a letter to the college’s 住院医生实习期 Official informing the official that they want to appeal the decision. The letter must also include a summary of the student’s situation and a statement that specifies the residency provision under which the person feels he/she qualifies to pay in-state tuition. The 住院医生实习期 Official will then schedule a meeting with the Vice President to hear the appeal. 会议作出的任何决定都是最终决定.

Non-Resident Aliens, Non-Citizens and Non-Permanent Residents

除非本节另有规定, all noncitizens and nonpermanent residents of the United States will be assessed tuition and fees at the nonresident, 州外率. 包括难民在内的独立外国人, asylees and parolees and their dependents may be entitled to in-state residency classification once they have been awarded permanent resident status by the U.S. Department of Justice and meet all the statutory resident requirements, provided that all other domiciliary requirements are met. Time spent living in South Carolina immediately prior to the awarding of permanent resident status may not be counted toward the 12-month residency period. Certain nonresident aliens present in the United States on specific visa classifications may be granted in-state residency for tuition and fee purposes